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Modern mailboxes are outdated

Signature confirmation can be inconvenient.


Its Friday, and you're running errands. You can't wait to receive your new voice activated speaker you ordered online. You finally get home after beating traffic and see the dreaded yellow color slip on your door. "Sorry we missed you!"


Very often carriers will reschedule a new delivery date and recently carriers will forward your package to another local business to hold your package leaving you in an inconvenient position and frustrated.


Carriers will be burden with complex logistics, rescheduling and rerouting packages while driving up man hours, fuel consumption, and customer dissatisfaction cutting into revenues.

Horizon is the most advance and innovative mailbox to date. Receive packages, non perishables, and prescriptions just by ordering from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Local stores, suppliers and fulfilment centers will be authorized to access your mailbox to safely secure your ordered items with the unique retractable top.

Do you want your new $800 dollar phone left sitting at your door step?

Horizon mailbox is a secure safe place for your delivered goods.

Future applications will allow retailers to further connect with customers and provide enhanced services like instant 15-30 delivery and signature confirmation via the smart phone app.

Online retailers and stores that deliver can now have assurance packages cannot be stolen or damaged by the elements reducing insurance claims and providing a better overall customer experience. 

Say Hello to Horizon

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